Enjoy. Preserve. Protect.
In Step Adventures believes that “the earth and its fullness thereof” has been given to us as a gift to enjoy. We are supposed to be out there enjoying, exploring, and marveling at all the wonder this earth and sky holds. We are to look and listen, to observe and take notice, to discover and marvel at our surroundings; to enjoy what we’ve been given, and to pass that enjoyment on to those around us -inviting them to come along, and be in awe of this beautiful place we call Earth.
We are all aware that our environment is in danger, and those beautiful spaces we enjoy need to be preserved so that the generations that follow us can enjoy and marvel at them too! In Step Adventures has partnered with The Nature Trust of New Brunswick because people have donated their lands to preserve them as they are. The Nature Trust works hard to keep them pristine and undeveloped, where the wildlife that lives there can continue to have a home, and where people can go and enjoy nature as intended.
To quote Spiderman’s uncle: “With great power comes great responsibility” We are the human stewards of the creation we’ve been given, and we have a great responsibility to take care of it, and to protect it from harm. In Step Adventures joins hands with The Nature Conservancy Council of New Brunswick in becoming good stewards of the areas we enjoy. We want to protect them from harm. We want to enjoy them without leaving a footprint, and without disturbing the wildlife and plants that thrive there.
In Step Adventures doesn’t just talk about these things – every member of our staff is active and committed to our guiding principles: Enjoy. Preserve. Protect.
As a vital part of all our adventures, we:
1. Follow all LEAVE NO TRACE policies and procedures
2. Have no ‘single use’ containers or plastic wrappers in any of our food or beverage services
3. Actively participate in trail maintenance, boundary monitoring and clean-ups on Nature Trust and Nature Conservancy properties
4. Are Trail Stewards for specific trails in the greater Saint John Area.
5. Educate our guests on the importance of preservation and protection of the areas that we are enjoying, and encourage them to do their part
6. Actively participate in Nature Trust of NB and Nature Conservancy Canada activities, communication, and promotion of their respective roles in looking after the lands we love